My collection and recommendations
Love a good twist-out
When you get compliments, but just don't like it
National Fragrance Day - what are you wearing?
I approached a beautiful girl but..
Please de-influence my wish-list 😭
Do you layer your perfume?
Do you layer your perfumes?
What does my signature layering-combo say about me? What vibes do I give?
Opinions on this please.
sexy, unique and seductive but somehow soft female parfumes
Only one perfume for the rest of your life! What are you wearing?
What fragrance lasts the longest for you
Let's help each other buy less! If you have x, you do not need y!
Do I look like max
What are your top 7 favorite DESIGNER PERFUMES? 💫
Scents for a sweaty teenager…
What Perfumes do you refuse to buy because you don’t like the name?
What does my collection say about me?
What is the cheapest fragrance you’ve smelled?
Comment what perfume you applied today
Friend slid across my hood wearing a hip chain...
i fear i may have made my dream man 😭
What to do with Extras at end of candle jar?
Best song from LYFESTYLE?