My dad back-handed my mom and I can't stop laughing.
What's better than Nair?
Birth control recommended?
No lockers available at club
Local hot cheeto korean corndogs 👎
What's the best way to invest and gain money that isn't a savings account?
Brown recluse? WTX
Starbucks coffee actually SUCKS and I don’t know why they’re so successful
Does anybody else remember the radioactive waste incident?
What's the best thing you can imagine that's probably happening somewhere in the world right now?
I was driving home… blinked and i was miles away
I can't sleep on my hands now.
For all the sentimental souls out there, can you please answer this question of mine...
I accidentally followed then unfollowed and she replies with this
If human reproduction required an intense, hour-long philosophical debate between partners before conception, how do you think society would change?
I can’t get over this traumatic event/psychiatric crisis. Feel like everyone is lying to me. Don’t know what’s real
If your relationship status doesn't define your self worth, why do people use "no wonder you're single" as an insult?
I don't get it
AIO for telling my boyfriend he had an emotional affair? Secret friend/deleted messages
Tops for saggy breasts?
Exotic Dancers of Reddit, how have you dealt with rude co-workers?
I feel like I need a higher body count to feel better
He did everything right until
rook help!!!
What was the moment you realized you were officially an adult?