Account put on hold
I can't believe it happened to me: Account put on hold and got the dreaded canned response. And as you can see, I am not exactly new to this.
Town Rules for Season 2 in Fromville:
The dialogue part
A research on AI-chatbots usage to purchase luxury products (ONLY for experience Chatbot user for buy luxury.
But I don't want a cup of tea 😭
I was talking with a group of friends about Sasquatch or, um, seemingly Sasquatch activity...
Has Participating in Studies Allowed You to Learn More About Yourself?
ayo have they always been this vulgar??? 💀
Think I just found my new religion, fellas
Being asked to return this study
"Processing of speech and music in the auditory cortex", I could not pass the headphone test even with professional audio recording gear. Just me?
Any one else doing this study please ? When i right click on the shapes it doesn't give me the options the study suppose to give me.
Let’s play Tetris! Adapting Artificial . . .
I really dont like the studies
About you not working properly?
Just got my welcome email. Would love advice on optimal use.
Normally wouldn’t post this but I’m excited with my progress.
What in the Mturk is wrong with this picture
How much do you let your money build to before cashing out?
Reached a milestone . . .
Very confused about this whole thing; looking for some guidance in these trying times
By my calculations, researchers are 99.998% awesome.
Who is this man?!
Some questions about "Did everything go well in this study?" and study cancellations.