28m Feeling deflated when it comes to dating
Chelsea now
Free readi for first 10( i wanna practice)
I just got a haircut and Im not sure if it's terrible on me?!
6 free readings! - beginner <3
If you moved here from somewhere else, how did you make friends?
Did Jasmine get bigger implants?
The tattoo
OMG the men’s lies on the reunion… these guys are the WORST
Dave at the Reunion
Gaaaaah dammit Devin
yes/no questions 💛
Offering free readings to get to know my new deck!
Where to live?
Can we die of heartbreak?
How many of you actually tried being friends with an ex?
Different Perspective
5 free Vernal Equinox readings
Stacey is the prettier twin. She's classier, nicer, and of course, younger.
39M recently divorced. Life is good can't complain.
Review thread for TeeDoesTarot
Another picture of Kylie and Brian, who got engaged on the show but their story wasn't shown
Picking 5 people to do 3 card readings. No physical health related questions. Comment your fav emoji & pick a deck
Moving from NYC to KY (Louisville) for work. Advice?