Who more likely to get out?
Places to take a attractive jawn out to.
Someone said Jamaica has some of the most corrupt and creative people by square mile weh unu say ?
Who had the worst fall off?
How many life sentences yall he gonna get?
Girlfriend broke up with me because I called her Jarad during sex
What are some habits that can thin out locs over time but are commonly seen as ‘healthy
What’s the hardest tv theme songs 😂
Wasn’t the first & wont be the last
surrendering to a satellite camp feb 19 for 18 months
🚔👮🏻NYPD Crack head looking clean 🪥😬💇🏻♀️
Meanwhile the lady YNs on the train 👀👀👀
IWTL how to stand up straight and walk with confidence
hey yall, just wanted to join this subreddit so I can show yall my teddy bear Shannon (kept since 2018, I think; she’s a HugFun plush). tucked up and cozy but we’re not really ready to go to sleep… yet
Brothers do better
IWTL how to not take things personally
Custom Ralph Lauren Trapper Hat
IWTL how to not get angry at ALL or show frustration...
Blovee a fraud
Uncle Murda 2024 Wrap Up is coming. What’s the biggest moments he’s going to mention?
Are Lyrical Rappers Boring?
What video game do you wish would be remastered?
IWTL how to talk to people
Yall copping ?😂😂😂
how do you become more confrontational