Did any of you not date until your late 20s-30s and do it successfully?
I love my girlfriend
We want to buy a strap don’t know where to start
Concerned for my cats RAW food
Worried about the flood of Avian Flu reports, questions about pet safety
Auntie has posted my baby birth announcement and gender on Facebook before I did.
“My wife”
Food suggestions for our doggo who is very allergic to different types of food
Is it safe for my cat to play like this???
Mom passed away last night Unexpectedly. Mind spinning and I have this question.
ELI5: Why do so many people have poor vision? It seems like an extreme genetic disadvantage for a species...
HEB shooter
AITA for drinking alcohol in the presence of my sons friend?
Affordable(ish) convenience/ freeze dried options?
Nanny doesn’t take child outside
Any suggestions on affordable group meals from restaurants/fast food places?
Would you do anything about your clients horrible diet/requests for their pet? (Scroll to see dog)
What's a movie or show that everyone else loved, but you found overrated?
Anyone else get “wild woman” comments when leaving your hair natural
Shelf stable dog bone filling
Why don’t dogs have issues eating raw?
What is the most beautiful name you have ever heard?
what do i do if i can’t afford to feed my cats right now
Very itchy, Senior pooch.