can someone explain how i was able to fling myself behind the building/change directions
What’s a sentence that instantly tells you someone has no idea how Mercy works and probably hates her?
Yep :/
Does this count as a skinny res?
Rez bug?
Am I in the wrong for expecting my team to help me guardian angel from spawn?
This Rez saved the match
Client requested disconnect during watching replays
How did your placements go?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
When does playing mercy get less frustrating!?
When the other support picks Mercy, which Hero do you choose?
How do you redeem the rainy day mei skin?
Which is worse on your team
Has anyone else not gotten the mei items yet!
Tried playing mercy on mobile I can’t wait to take these skills to a real match
Who do you guys prefer as your supports?
Sometimes it feels like I HAVE to healbot
What mercy skin do you wish would return?
Is it even worth it for a new player to start this late into the game?
4 rez in under 30 seconds
What is your favorite character or thing to do in the game?
Roll or Get rolled
This might be the worst res interruption I’ve ever experienced
Suprise Motherf**ker!!!!