Does Jury have redemption? Could Chun-li actually save her?
Why Juri hates Chun-Li ?
Do you think Nathalie would take better care of Adrien than Gabriel? (I give you this question alongside an original art made solely by me)
Do you agree that Nathalie would be as good a villain as Hawk Moth? Do you think Nathalie could have healed Gabriel's terrible grief wound?
Looking for a fanfic that will make me sob
Did Miroslava deserve more? If so, please explain your opinion and why.
does kirari have a ego?
Your thoughts?
So December I started my journey with Sailor Moon. I managed to watch all of season 1, 2 and 3 I'm currently on SuperS... I think I already have a favorite...
Please tell me I'm the only one who thought these two were girls at first and got confused when they were called a guy