Bruh. (Small rant)
Can we not bring up fetishes around children?
do i make art “fast” for the “norm” and how long it looks like it takes? or compared to yours? curious! :D all times taken from procreate tracked time!
A repost!
Missing twin
was this an accident ??
Please report this player (Check the user of the den and the user in the chat) and ban them and their friend who was advertising it, this is NOT FUNNy it is a kids game.
Please report this user for inappropriate content!
Legit how? Does anyone know how they get on the lb?? Do multiple ppl run the accs or something??
Is it wrong for me to pick up drops at my own party?
Never thought I’d have to make this post…
GuYs I dId SoMeThIng InApRoPrIAate iN A KiDs GaMe WhY am I BaNNeD
was this worth it?
People are insane
Master Block Commissions - any tips?
Birthday sap drop today(Friday)! 4pm est.
how are there two head items on this player??
they should add different back ground that you buy when you open someon's profile, that'd be so cool
Looking for: (read description please) UPVOTE PLEASE!
₍^. .^₎⟆ join the sweetsapphires!
Hey guys, i have 500 corruption orbs
Come to Liminalplace's den to see liminal space in animal jam! More will be added soon!
Anyone notice that Snotlout has a beauty mark on the left side of his chin?
Just started animal jam acc after years .. how much are these items worth??