I need more campy/gory/raw horror movies.
How I would have fixed Kung Fu Panda 4
Daniel Craig's Bond movies
What original plans for a movie have you heard about that made you say to yourself "thank God they didn't do that!"
Ever seen a movie that's had such a good premise. Such a good idea but was executed so poorly?
It's Tough to Be a God: Dreamworks' "The Road to El Dorado" at 25
I'd love to see Orga in the monsterverse
Speculative Evolution of cryptids?
Speculative Evolution of cryptids and mythological creatures?
After watching A Working Man yesterday...
Does anyone have any recommendations
What cryptid do you believe is highly likely exist?
Could Bigfoot just be a evolved Gigantopithecus or at least relative of it?
What's the possibility of Nessie being a plesiosaurus?
Why many people in this sub believe ground sloth could be still alive but not other prehistoric animal?
Im wondering why theres not many Crocodile cryptids
A speculative evolution for the Borrunjor
Cryptid weasels and ferrets
How likely that prehistoric cryptid (Mokele-mbembe,Mapinguari,etc) are not actually surviving prehistoric animal but rather a new animal species that look like prehistoric animal because convergent evolution?
Thoughts on the alleged Kasai Rex?
The answer to Bigfoot has to be they are inter dimensional
Loch Ness Monster - Is it a real creature actually seen or just a fantasy.
Are there cryptid theorized to be surviving Australian prehistoric megafauna beside Queensland tiger?
Does anyone know how big is mapinguari compared to human? Which one of these ground sloth species are closest to mapinguari in size?
What is the mokele-mbembe more likely to be?