Should I wait for future dokkan fest?
Rate my teams!!!
If you don’t activate vegito before exchanging, do you loose him?
Rate my teams!
Yo mates. Would it be wise to coin the SSJ Movie Boys? I have LR TEQ Broly but none of the 10th Anniversary homies.
God Goku SSR Art
(UPDATE) Is there a way to fix this glitch on citron?
We're the Android apk?😭
They owe us 100 stones for this BS
Should I buy him? (Goku)
Is this yellow guy worth 500 coins?
Citron gone kaput?!?
Is there a way to fix this glitch on citron?
FINALLY, I can sleep!
[SP01-73] Should I grade it?
What does this error mean?
I can't download the gamesir connect app on pc
My Dark Magician Gundam
Xiaomi 14 Battery
Can't add mods anymore to Bedrock on Android
Should school force kids to read Dostoevsky?
Holding my father's hand as he passed this evening.
Anyone with the GameSir X4 Aileron able to confirm the stick accuracy for theirs before/after calibration?