BBQ Farming-52XM8P
last day: who is a horrible person (dragon) and hated by fans
day 8: who is morally grey and hated by fans?
day 7: who is a good person (dragon) and hated by fans?
day 6: who is a horrible person (dragon) and opinions are divided?
day 5: who is morally grey and opinions are divided?
How would you rewrite Arc 1?
Say something nice about Winter
What's a WoF character you would absolutely beat the shit out of if you had the chance?
POV: You're Jerboa III what would you do about Amimus Magic?
How would you rewrite Arc 2?
Which Are You? ((Poppy hater or lover?))
What tribe does your name fit as a dragon name?
Cricket won! She is my fav so I’m so happy I got to draw her. Who’s next for D? (It’s probs gonna be darkstalker tho, prove me wrong)
Transformers AU Megatron design asked by @/EntomologyKing on Twitter <3 Art by me ^^
Pick a character for me to draw: the sequel! #5
If you were tasked with rewriting Wings of Fire what would you change?
Describe Female N in one word
You’re a Autobot that just arrived on Earth. These are the vehicles that Telatran 1 has pre selected for your alt mode. Which car do you pick
What is your preferred alt mode for Optimus?
Your Birth Month dictates your Lover and Enemies
Your month your drone
Which Version of Optimus Prime Is Your Favorite?
Vulture wins!! Who for W ( I fixed the names that where spelled wrong)