Ben ik de enige die dit zo ongelooflijk sneu vindt?
I just opened up your fridge cause i’m thirsty, whats there to drink?
Hoe vaak douche je?
Comedies to watch with older teens
whats the first thing you see when you look at my painting
Bestellen jullie nog bij Dominos / New york pizza?
What was ur 1st game u played and how old were u?
Vaste bestelling bij snackbar?
Soms mis ik de corona periode. .
Ear wax removal !URGENT!
What lyrics to a song are immediately identifiable by only a few words?
Frituursnacks in de ochtend. Ben ik de enige die het niet passend vindt?
What’s the dumbest way you’ve ever injured yourself?
Welk eten of drinken vind jij echt niet lekker, terwijl de meeste mensen dat wel vinden?
Melk drinken niet normaal meer
Show me your witchy tattoos!
De beste bonteavond
Has anyone ever seen this edition of The Shining?
De beste saus voor op een tosti
What is your preferred hand for you know…wink wink
What are you guys choosing ?
Please forgive me, but I saw this and I thought that you all should, too.
Why do I suck at the Tenor sax? How do I not...
What's a movie you love that most people you talk to never heard of?
Tonnano spin off komt eraan! Wat kunnen we verwachten?