Finished the game today(9/10). Feeling voided. What should I do now?
Currently 147 hoping to be 135 or 137 in 2 months. Wish me luck!
Is it me or is the speeder a nuisance to control?!
Bot update is incredible
Will you keep your OG Switch after buying Switch 2?
33 Immortals is 100x better than I thought it would be. Pics and vids don't do it any justice.
Helmet does not appear
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition Review (IGN: 9/10)
Teach me some kungfu MAMA!
1/3 action figure Chunli from Street fighter by SGD studio
Your birth month is the character that accompanies you in a zombie apocalypse
Are you gonna stare, suck or glaze them ?
Give me your attention!
Dakota Johnson
Samantha Brown, 48
Driveclub PS5 Pro
PVZ Easter egg
Cammy White Cosplay by me!
I played 35 hours of No Mans Sky this Weekend to the point where I had a dream about NMS, I took 31 screenshots and photos, here are the best of the best.
I’m new to the group, how’s gaming going for you? 😎💙🖤💙
Becker (1998-2004)
Does Cloud Save sync across devices?
Do you agree or disagree with the claims that Stellar blade is a "g**ner game" or a "f*nservice game"? Genuinely curious as I personally disagree.
Just started the game, enjoying it so far but..
Welcome to Jurassic Park!