Genuine question: why are there so many Russians in Sanya?
Donald Trump rejects Australia's bid for exemption tariffs
The Russian backed propaganda that's been pushed for people to hate a man who's just defending his country from an invading force is disgusting. Shame on conservative media.
Russian POWs in Ukraine keep increasing demands for their life quality with help of Red Cross, in requests - better rations, less strict discipline, more fresh air time, don’t hear Ukrainian language
As Canada scrambles for options, beware the temptation of China
How accurate do you think is the qs-top world rankings are?
More than 10,000 foreign student acceptance letters may be fake, says top immigration official
Should Canada end the 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs
Should Canada adjust its immigration system to prioritize construction workers?
DeepSeek sparks global AI selloff, Nvidia losses about $593 billion of value
Who to watch for high-elo irelia gameplay?
25.S1.2 Full Patch Preview
Feats of Strength needs an overhaul
Put first blood as part of the feats of strength is such a stupid idea
Vladimir is only strong in late game team fights (post third item)?
Tristana top vs mid
The 3 worst adc in dealing with Tanky champions
Has anyone tried stridebreaker as the first item?
Is Anivia a good mid lane duo with Xin?
Can xin be played as a frontliner?
does irelia have any skins where romance is teased
The reason why Quinn sucks now