God for bid a girl read the bible
Did anyone else notice the reshiram statue in Pokemon x?
what can i say, i got that dawgtism
Favorite character who is just straight up cute
characters suffering from success
Before the image is banned here's my take
Take your pick fellas
Main Protagonists Who Become Main Antagonists
I'm not someone too familiar with women's wear, but is it normal to wear a skit over sweatpants?
Which Gym Leader was your favourite?
Comment like if there was a mini arc revealing that Yahveltal was Serena’s Biological Father
Dump but I ran out of memes
Favorite character (s) with genuinely good redemption arcs that doesn't feel forced at all? (This mostly applies to villains/antagonists)
Characters you're not supossed to root for but you still do
Helpful Fox In my PC!
I made this 2 years ago, don’t know why. But I thought I might show
Favorite Pregnant Character
What crayon flavors do you think Bridget like to eat?
How do they always know about my oral fixation
Favorite Pokémon but caveman.
Do you think Ryuk got the Apple?
[Hated Trope] Characters implied to have a crush/be in love with another but they never confess and nothing ever comes out of it
Characters whose entire head/face is a weapon.
Go ahead guys, I’m curious (TOUHOU PICS ONLY)
Significant characters who just...die. Their death is quick and unceremonious.