Somehow took point atop a halftrack without getting sniped
Best part of ADHD is reading a book for the first time, for the second time
[Poetry] When people like to use their mouth
MRW I heard about the new LotR series
Something Missing from BF6 Design Philosophy
Sorry for low resolution.
Ideas fill arm
Moth on stomach by Arianna McGrady, Bournemouth
Jay and Nya from Lego Ninjago radiate rr energy imo
Are all of Valve's main protagonists canonically mute?
Sasha again
[SL] MangaDex down for server migration
Is BFV worth it for $10?
What’s the point of camping and waypoints?
[A Yuri Story About a Girl Who Insists "It's Impossible for Two Girls to Get Together" Completely Falling Within 100 Days]
Why did Black Mesa shorten On A Rail? Are modern audiences really that intimidated by mildly nonlinear level design?
Do I need supplements for OMAD?
All I want is BF7 to be an updated BF3. Nothing else.
Beard or no beard
Lol what?
More women come out alleging sexual assault by Neil Gaiman [TW]
How is this guy messaging me from the other team?
What’s a lesser known mobile game you can’t stop playing right now?
Which Battlefield game is your personal favourite?
Joycons are getting terrible connection to iPhone