Kitchen floor mostly unfucked!
Fridge 98% unfucked
Where do you find your interior design inspiration now? Pinterest is filled with ai 🤢
Not perfect but a vast improvement !
Update: how to keep it unfucked while disabled
Unfucked the spice cabinet!
My living room Beanie Baby shelf!
Unfuck the micro-fuck wave
Where is everyone putting their TV?
Lean into mural or swap out for wallpaper?
Vintage 90s/2000s dresses in my collection :)
Unfucking my habitat step 1. Kitchen floor
Slowly turning my plan into reality, did this wall today and I'm in love!
Lush Bathbomb destroyed bath by dying it pink. Tried magic eraser, baking soda + vinegar. Any other tips?
My finished living room in purples/green/blues (incl. before pic and bonus housewarming tablespread pics!)
What can I do with this wall
Need Help: Living Room Feels Bland Any Ideas
Which Color looks best?
my husband brought home a bag full of brass animals from an estate sale
Trying to tame this beast today..
Spare bedroom unfucked
It may not look it but compared to my last post I’ve made a good chunk of progress :)
Played the floor lottery
Finally cleaned and reorganized my depression room
I DID IT!!!!