never knew what type my nose should be called
I'm so done with people calling me a "simp" because of the way I treat my girlfriend
What do you think?
What is the worst restaurant in Brevard?
How Were You Diagnosed with ADHD?
Which look suits me best?
I was just roasted- help!
I need to know the truth 😭 I think I’m ugly
Questions for women in tech.
Would it look good on me if I dyed my hair red or black, is that okay?
Feedback for this look
Ladies be honest, am I doing my brows too thin?
Eyebrows feedback! I can't figure out a consisent shape
Tell me what you think?
Half of my eyelash disappeared 😭 HELP!!
Blind freaks me out? Are these really our coworkers?
I've been told I need to improve my legibility. More importantly, who am I? (5 images)
Crown hair is suddenly all short, what type of ‘extensions’ would work that isn’t a topper?
Psoriasis is exhausting: a rant.
Do I have wavy hair?
Which hair colour should I stick with?
I can do eyes and literally nothing else
For my adhd crafting friends!
what do we think moose is
Help! My hair is curly in front but flattens in the back??