That. Was. Awesome.
more of a truck than a bus i guess, but it worked :)
Big Project in the works, any guesses?
Update this, update that... WHY IS THE STEAM ICON SO BAD???
Best Aircraft in War Thunder. ARB BR: 11.3
I present to you, my pulse jet bus.
Bell Curve
Since some of yall dont understand why the UI is better now
Enjoying the new update so far
Custom blocks
How would I do this without gyros?
Best Aircraft in War Thunder. BR: 8.7
Hot take
If you didn't experience this you are lying, everyone did
Need help with logic
Which position would you choose? Ignore copilot and radio gun haha
What should I build from these?
Is there any reason for this god awful wall on the end of the runway in the Danger Zone? If I slam into it on takeoff one more time I'm actually going to murder someone.
Can someone explain why I spontaneously detonated?
What the genuine fuck could possibly be the cause here? And it's not 'weapons', i took it out and it still Iron Curtains me.
Are these types of players even real?? (Please read)
guess the plane boys. (friend made me guess it on steam, now its your turn.)
Here are the food themed vehicles I made, as suggested by y’all.
We lost him!!
F-14B “TomCat”