I am devastated
You've lost Fujimaru Ritsuka - 62
Which Servant surprises you that hasn't ended up being popular despite having several elements to be so (good gameplay, well-crafted Lore, relevance in the Story, prominent roles in Events, influence of the Writers)?
Which servants did you expect to have a huge pop but ended up being forgotten or became unappreciated?
How do you guys deal with your burnout?
What servant (swimsuit) would you want to see make it into fgo next?
So how good is revival blessing?
Does anyone else have a Favorite servant/s that doesn't have much merch or you assume probably doesn't?
[CBC 2024] Charlemagne and Bradamante buff
(Next Pokemon game spoilers) Was Mega Evolution broken?
''My hopes for summer 9'' (By me)
Characters you wish had more fanart?
[Updated Commission] A snake&spider walk into a bar...
They’re using the thunder as armor!
Concept: Inteleon's signature move gets revamped and Snipe Shot now always crits. How much does this boost its viability?
Concept: Protean reverts to working like how it did in previous Gens, but becomes exclusive to Kecleon, so the Protean Starters get new Hidden Abilities. How would they fare with these?
Type changes for Solgaleo and Lunala. Buffed or nerfed?
How should Knock Off be nerfed?
Theorymon - Druckle (Shuckle Evo)
Weather boosted moves based on the terrain boosted moves
these pokemon get the new paradox signature moves
[Artist credits on post] Magcargo Evolution for the fun of it
Signature Moves that would be broken on other Pokémon
Flutter Mane has been banned from DOU