The drop rates for Act 2 adepts are abysmal.
I hope Bungie gives more context of past events in the next saga
Give me a reason to only use "X" exotic armor with Not Swap
Hope Act 2 is more benevolent with the Heretic Arsenal drops
Some context behind the Hunter Smoke nerfs and why it's a problem
Potential new aspects / abilities that Bungie might be cooking (?)
Not Swap is a bad idea in the current state of the game
Do not trust on - They use AI for their guides
Wish Bungie would admit that the lighting changes they did back in Beyond Light hurt the game more than helped.
Smoke Bombs need an overhaul
Current reward system incentivize specific farms over activity completion
Let us disrupt Titan barricades in PvP
Please, show ability and supers CDs for PvP
Just pointing issues post Weightgate, about Perk Pools and RNG
Why 4 Invis Aspects on Void Hunter?
Is Destiny worth playing if I don’t intend to buy any of the expansions?
PvP needs more test and effective and faster balance patches
Shit talking won't go away in Trials, but its better to prevent it instead of stopping it
If y'all want lower-skill players to stay in Trials, I'd recommend not insulting them when they are on your team.
[D2] Trials of Osiris Megathread [2025-02-14]
Does flawless pool still exist with the new trials changes?
Seasonal weapons have 4 versions: Base, Adept, Heretic Arsenal and Adept Heretic Arsenal
The most disgusting Destiny 2 thing you'll ever see (Gambit)
22 Vanguard Resets, not a single 2/5 Wicked Sister with EA + B&S
Trying to solo vespers host made me quit the game