New rescue still needs a name!
I'm done
When was the last time you cried, and why?
What is THE word you can never spell correctly?
Gino is LITERALLY thee worst and the most hated by me.
Veahs new man
Based on a real interaction
Has Gino ever acknowledged his constant frown or explained it?
Tonights Cooler Pallets
SunBun judges me in the bathroom
This sweet little tortie is the newest member of our family.
Just finished season 1 of black summer
What shall I name my baby based on his scan
He is growing so fast
I'm thinking Ash for the kitten but what about a name for her mum?
You win a lifetime supply of the last thing you bought. How happy are you?
Any words that are pronounced differently in the USA than in Canada?
What's the beverage you got too drunk on once and can never drink again?
No name seems to fit this guy
What song do you want played at your funeral?
You get to choose one food with zero calories, which one would it be?
Alright, let’s see
"What are your top 5 horror movies of 2024" post arranged by movies with the most mentions
Feeling a bit down. Please send pictures of your cat to help cheer me up. This is my lad Enzo.
A very severe case of anorexia nervosa