do i stand like bloodhound jeff?
Do chicago police not exist or sum? cus how do a nga like lil jeff get 12 hats over the course of a couple years and still walk around free???
FPC dirtie gets kicked out the room for saying fuck the 13 year kid who got killed downsouth
anyone know the exact name of this shoe?
someone answer this pls
is it normal for someone with aspd to feel empathy when on mdma?
why this nigga so prone to sayin the most retarded shit 🤣🤣🤦🤦🤦
Did 1200/187 Boyz ever try to get back for Corbin?
Can Bullied kids turn into psychopaths?
why can’t i buy?
can someone please explain the differences in empathy between asd and aspd?
babyboy gay asf
When the killing going to increase im tired of seeing theses lil niggas threatening to kill eachother over instagram all day 💯 just hop in that car and do it
it’s 6am in jacksonville and i just got that call
does trey d(6) have the most bodies in the atk vs “kta” ?
Did Lacracka deleted his IG???
who got this? ill trade rfa unreleased for it