Just got some civil war hardcovers
Our kittens are getting really well along
Guarding sleeping girlfriend
[Tier List] Ranking all the manhwa I've ever read.
Haven´t built a PC in 5 years. Is this enough to play the latest games at 4k 60fps?
Is this pc worth it
is this price in sgd or usd?
Prices + Discounts
A book I got a refund for ended up arriving a month after the refund. Should I email them offering to pay it back?
why is the physical volume so big lol
Price shifting
New to Reddit, Here’s my collection
Is this a rare book? Its selling for alot on ebay
order cancelled
What manga are you shocked a publisher hasn’t translated or reprinted?
Dragon Ball Colored Haul
A Print Edition Of The Boxer In English Is Launched!!!!
My manga lounge (now with sweet lights)
My little bookcase (about 1/5 of my collection)
Price hike?
Early 2022 Haul
Current collection
Just got my Berserk vol 2 in the mail. How come vol 2 seems so much bigger.
Post your friend codes here!
I don’t have enough money for a shelf so I just put them here