Alexa play “Somebody watching me” by Rockwell
“The 💩 show”
Ali and Anthony Motta banned
James on the things we all should do
People can support who they want to support. PERIOD.
This doesn’t feel right. When was stealing supporters a thing? Clearly, if there was a history, Austin and James never had an issue. Why now? Maybe, because some of the things you guys do are not working.
Austin NEVER took accountability, he blamed the victims. Part 1
Ali’s laughter is contagious ☺️.
Daily Rankings Drama- WEEKLY RANKS
Kudos to Ali’s 30+ talented editors. This edit made by DIVA is🔥. No one can crush Ali’s mind or soul. Ali continues to go strong after 3 plus years. Legend! 🫡💜
Sick Battles 🔥🔥🔥
☘️ Leprechaun🥴
Stop shifting the blame on others Austin.
As requested, lol Ish's crash out after losing to Ali Part 1
Does anyone think that this wasn’t fair?
Prettyboyali crashed out over Misstiffy foul play
Where’s the fun in that?
Mclovins views?
Toxic Chat.
Before some of you start running your mouth about Ali, tell James to control his toxic chat and respect the host. James, it was wrong how you went about things with Ali.
Poor Charlene 😱🫣
Y’all think they look alike?