As a huge Giratina fan, this set hurts
A strange game, the only winning move is not to play.
Kael'thas had one last trick up his sleeve; His real name was Kael'strasz, the Red Dragon
Dracthyr Soar Squadrons are the best flavour addition in a while!
Can you copyright game concepts? (Response by Ming, the person being copied)
Can you copyright game concepts?
Please let me transmog shoulders and belt on my visage without it showing in dragon form, blizzard...
White and Pink Spider
If this was a heavy metal album what would you call it. Art made by SpaceDragon14
[P5V11] Imagine you reincarnated as Detlinde—what would you do?
List of video games with playable dragons (that I know of)
Demon Hunters with max mastery in remix
They... they'll add Nature Mints in thr future, right??????
What's your "I wish that worked differently" quirk about your spec/class?
[Speculation] Getting weapon raid appearances has never been easier (Well done DF)
Im so excited dracthyr are getting flying through soar
The War Within S1 Evoker Tier Set
Friend Code Megathread - February 2024
Merry Christmas Minus One Everyone!!!
Why are glyphs forgotten about?
Requesting r/Aetherion for being unmoderated
Friend Code Megathread - September 2023
Some visual bug in an Oathbreaker conversation
r/anime 7 Million Sub Scavenger Hunt Results
Requesting r/GlassGalaxy because the moderator's account is deleted