Aerial Eater is now in the game
The reaction to the recent Legend Anthology even has been... interesting.
You can change your mates for individual decks now
I personally like pendulum card.
Anyone have a higher in-game time? Feeling a bit self conscious. Lol
What is her lore and is she contacted to any archetype?
what is a archetype no one cares about, but you want them to get support?
How can i make a norleras play on yubel?
Calling it now, the Goblin doomposting is gonna age like milk
The new wallpaper is beautiful (duel pass)
Unconfirmed Leaks from Dkayed: Trickstar + Unbanned Card!
Why can't I pick Earthbound Release with Transaction Rollback?
New Ban List
Could someone explain to me the Xbox drama?
Konami is getting very creative with their deck building! Never seen this before!
How did he manage to summon on zone lock!?
What decks are you guys running for the EX-Festival
"Labrynth is too OP to be legal in the event" The event:
Has the second memento fusion boss monster been released already?
TIL that phantom of yubel can negate tenpai under sangen summoning
Future Archetypes Visual Guide + ALL Missing Cards! (Updated October 26th 2024)
Summon Sorceress coming off of the banlist in MD with an Errata
What are some of ur favorite boss monster designs? I'll start:
Well, mistranslating Clockwork Night has become a bit awkward