How do you choose which pack to open ?
LF: 3 💎 Genetic Apex
/r/PTCGP Trading Post
Ranking Every Traitor
UPDATE: TIFU by listening to Smosh without headphones
LF: Palkia, Dialga, Arceus, Gallade, Darkrai, Celebi 🍀
LF: Palkia ex or Gallade ex
LF Heatran 1⭐️or 3 💎
Looking for several 3 diamond cards 💎💎💎: Gardevoir, Lucario, Bastiodon, Heatran, Garchomp and Regigigas
Looking For (1st Picture) + Cards i can trade (2cnd Picture)
Looking for 3 diamonds. Trades in pics
Is it good or not first god pack?
Was listening to Smosh earlier, kids heard, chaos ensued
UPDATE: TIFU listening to Smosh without headphones
Daily Questions Megathread - March 08, 2025
to fight back against Trump
Mechanic has had my motorcycle for FOUR months and it’s still not finished
Jenna wins Bad Girl with Most Potential! Day 8: Who’s the Bad Girl with the Most Wasted potential?
I enjoyed Traitors more when the cast wasn’t full of famous people
Guess I’m an unlucky bastard
What Anime would you recommend me?
First God Pack Wonder Pick aaannnnddddd
Another McDonald’s code
What are apprentices?
Probably my last code giveaway?