I want to be Muslim
Let’s find our big 3 twinss
Why are there no female Prophets or Imams?
Is intuition the opposite of overthinking?
In case any Leos could use some love today.
Fellow Scorpios, thoughts on a relationship with another Scorpio?
Afraid I'll Die Alone
So long Sapphic yearning, I hardly knew thee
Scorpios and Sex
hypomania over; depressionmaxxing resumed
Friendship & Dating Match-Making Thread 💕
How to forgive and forget?
The astrologers said this is our year. Are you feeling it?
How to fight Shaytan and save my mental health?
China-Iran-Russia "Security Belt 2025" naval exercise - March, 2025.
Who’s your celebrity crush?
What do Scorpios like in someone that makes them obsess over someone?
Feeling suicidal this Ramadan
Should I choose fate or return to online dating?
Was the creation of Christianity part of Allah's Plan and Will?
27F Looking for long-term partner/wife (California)
Was the creation of Christianity part of Allah's Will and Plan?
Should I choose fate or online dating?