Did you name your Seikret? If so, what did you name it and why?
Monster Hunter Wilds is somehow in the top 10 most played games on SteamDeck in the last month. What settings are you masochistic lunatics running this at?
DO ANYONE KNOW? why they change lawan? i didnt find any option to change the look of her to the original!!
I dream about getting creative maps in co-op
[Serious] Those who purchased the Premium Founder's Pack, how do you currently feel about the state of the game?
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp Complete - Camper Card Megathread
Don’t hide your shame: How many games do you own on steam?
This is probably dumb but how I do I get this on PC?
This subreddit be like:
Update will drop at 7pm PT, patch notes are up
im new to this i just bought this game on sale and im confused
I bought a new Xbox game and look what I found
A dream come true, such an underrated series
Managed to have negative wallet
What Xbox game studio games run great on the steam deck?
woohoo made it too
No way they have this in
Who tf is buying this?
Started a new game and spotted an exotic ship 15 minutes in, I need it!
How to deal with an AFKer
Nice level design
BOGO question
What are some 2v8 combos you would like to see/think would be powerful
Weird and cool at the same time