Wo wohnen in Berlin für Hybrid Job in Mitte
imagine moving to a country and then completely shitting on the women.
Which among these is the ‘rarest’?
Which Tate McRae song?
Was arbeitet Ihr, um ein sechsstelliges Einkommen zu erzielen?
What did Volt Germany do right and wrong in this election? Please share your insights and opinions!
Monitor advice please
This looks pretty legit right?
Deutschland darf 920 Millionen in Bau neuer Infineon-Fabrik stecken
Chinesische KI-Revolution: Wie Deepseek die USA ins Schwitzen bringt
First Ultra Wide Recommendation (Work & Gaming)
Does Tate sign all signed CD/Vinyls herself?
Is there a way to go to Tromso without flying (or selling a kidney)?
Wer von euch erwägt in nächster Zeit ernstahft die Auswanderung?
Any taylor swift inspired merch shipping from EU?
How can I start as a Junior Project Coordinator with no experience?
AOK erhöht Zusatzbeitrag auf 2,79%
Leute, ich habe die Bachelorarbeit bestanden. 🥹🥹
Need help with deciding apartment
Erfahrungen mit Weisheitszahn OP
Hilfe bei Platzwahl in der Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle?
so, I won't have any Lapras at the end of the event right? that sounds like such a dick move
[Guide] Building Decks on an Ultra-Budget
Teilzeit Master Informatik - FU, HU oder TU Berlin?
The Most Enigmatic Character in the Entire Tower of God