360 chances out of BOI?
What Sky Clubs are not worth one of your visits in 2025?
360 upgrade priority
Are we all currently anxious and depressed or what the hell is going on?
Buckle up DIA
Arriving SEA from ICN
Plane arrived at the lovely SEA bus area in pouring rain; this sure made it better!
Someone at SEA is gonna have bad day
New MSP SkyClub is legit…
MSP as mean as ATL
Another overhead bin complaint...
Thinking about giving up my United allegiance and moving to Delta. Convince me I should.
Best non-alcoholic drink to get in first class?
Delta’s Instagram stories featuring girl with feet on the bulkhead 😂
No Premium Select to Auckland?
PSA for anyone traveling through DEN with some time to kill in A concourse
Which of the new 2024 choice benefits sounds most appealing to you?
Those of you who travel 3-5 days with just a carry-on and backpack… how?
My goal is to NOT spend as much time in the air this year. 47 weeks of travel, average cost of ticket $1200 and includes about 225K roll over miles.
Would you support a permanent mask mandate for anyone constantly coughing on a flight/at airport?
Diamond v. Platinum
This will be first time as diamond and it doesn't seem clear which 2nd perk is best, which do you choose?
“I just felt taken care of” - what went wrong?
Do you get Companion Cert for Amex reserve enrollment, or only AFTER the first year upon renewing? I assumed at enrollment since you pay the fee in the first year…
The distance between and diamond and platinum stings.