Odio con tutto il mio cuore chi mette la propria casa in affito
Cancelled Tv show recommendations?
Why is dating so difficult in today's world?
What's the time required for 1 TB data recovery in PhotoRec
Euthanasia is illegal because no one cares to do anything about it
Bags Theory
Question About the Setup of the Episodes Throughout the Series
Elsbeth | S2E2 "The Wrong Stuff" | Episode Discussion
Italians be crying
I don’t know how Howard stayed friends with Raj
4TB SN850X NVMe fake from Amazon Resale maybe hold off buying for a bit.
Sono passati quarant'anni e all'apparenza poco è cambiato in italia?
Io incinta le mie amiche disinteressate al massimo
Perché alcune donne fingono gli organismi?
Perché i ragazzi lo vogliono fare senza preservativo
Sooo...nobody even pretends to work anymore?
Any good alternatives to MPC-HC?
I just discovered the Archived Cinemassacre youtube channel
what you will suggest to me to watch if i like black mirror?
I miss the title cards
The incel posts are getting annoying
Do you like sweet, more quiet girls?
Do you get annoyed when women complain about the patriarchy?
Being ugly ruins your life much more than attractive people like to admit