A Clockwork Orange ('72) - If it was you walking toward this, what's your thought/next move?
Who's striking the coolest pose? Paul, Sean, or Clint
Ever play with a barrel?
Ever invoke this strategy?
Who's house had this "vac" model? And what's the craziest thing the "fam" tried to hoover up?
Have people from your high school graduating class started passing away yet?
The Shining ('80) - What in the photo first registered to you "he might be a serial killer"?
Remember when it was like molten lava... but fried oh so good...
Jeannie's in position, and it's Friday.... what are you wishing for?
The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour ('67 to '69 Original). Did you get a kick out of it?
Remember Starsky’s Cowichan-style sweater? Do you have memories of some of us wearing similar cardigan sweaters in the 70’s?
Who misses GoGo boots?
Did you dine on a dinette?
If you didn't hand dig to the bottom of the box already...
The iconic photo - Beatles Abbey Road album - taken on 8/8/69.
What do suppose has Mork looking so pissed off about here?
Ever make your own popsicles?
I remember heading to school in the 60's looking like the Gorton's Fisherman... anyone else?
Gentle Ben - Adventures in the Everglades - Who watched and remembers? Originally aired '67 to '69.
Opus and Bill the Cat
Ever rock a pair?
Enjoy many growing up?
"Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue." What's a favorite line of yours?
Did you enjoy this '63 classic book?
Like a landmine: I cut my foot more than once on 60's beaches on these. Any pull tab memories stick in your mind?