maybe anybody can do this???
How did you get ur first godly?
Are these still worth anything?
Isnt it funny that humans come from sperms?
Lf soul and Hallow's Blade. Or just soul. Offering Heartblade
I need help asap…Should I do this???
Lf for love. Offering Gemstone 🤯
Giveaway 2
‼️‼️Report him now!!!!!‼️‼️
Any offers?
Small giveaway!!!
Anyone offer for my 5 keys?
Im crying😭
Repost because I really need help with this
tell me your favourite song i’ll listen to it and rate it 🧌 idk im bored
Advice on a date.
teen boys, please answer this
How tall are you?
1 or 2? And why?
Too much sex talk. What's ur favourite? Dark, light or adventure fantasy?
LF good offers
Rate my inv
Like I genuinely don't get it.
Doing all of these trades. icewing one is for skulls uncommon and lantern. LF downgrades aswell.