"If a man ever witnesses with his own eyes how Bumble looks on a woman’s phone, he will uninstall and never again use it himself."
Which of these bakery desserts is the best?
Best TV Theme Song/Opening (R2): Batman v Bob the Builder?
Best TV Theme Song/Opening (R2): Addams Family v Adventure Time?
Theater Queens who are POC?
Which of these UK desserts is the best?
Which of these Asian desserts is the best?
My husband got me a vacuum for my 50th
March 17, 2025 - Points League Discussion
Best TV Theme Song/Opening (R1): Wonder Years v X-Files?
Best TV Theme Song/Opening (R1 Tiebreaker): Muppet Show v Office?
Songs that sound like spring
Is "owl" one syllable, or two?
Should I keep going with this style?
Who do I look like?
I’m curious because i’ve never gotten one
Best TV Theme Song/Opening (R1): Twin Peaks v Carmen Sandiego?
Best TV Theme Song/Opening (R1): Tonight Show v Twilight Zone?
How do I tell my parents I want to be a singer?
Long story telling musical numbers
Simple things
How do you tactfully tell a child’s parent that you won’t be casting their kid in a community theatre play because of her behavior?
The Milkshake Man
Margot Robbie as Dazzler
K, 1st or 3rd?