TIL That an estimated 14,500 Holocaust Survivors died nearly immediately upon liberation from Refeeding Syndrome in which the body can't process food after prolonged starvation.
TIL the earliest recorded autopsy was performed on the body of Julius Caesar. Only one stab wound (out of 23) would be fatal on its own.
Chinese poster for the 1958 Egyptian movie "The Algerian Girl" about the Algerian war, 1962.
Soviet civilians in Moscow hearing the radio announcement that Germany has started the invasion of the Soviet Union (June 22, 1941)(900x1238)
La journaliste qui a fait avouer les généraux français sur la torture en Algérie
Lawyer Says Venezuelan Client Was 'Disappeared' After Trump Invoked Alien Enemies Act: 'We Are Horrified'
What is your most common method of killing?
Sinfest 3/19/25: Globo Homo Cop
Voice of America channels fall silent as Trump administration guts agency and cancels contracts
Sur BFM la supposée pénurie d'œufs imputée aux musulmans
DIRECT. Gaza : des frappes israéliennes font au moins 220 morts, selon la Défense civile, une attaque sans précédent depuis le début de la trêve
Donald Trump Revokes Hunter Biden's Secret Service: 'Effective Immediately'
“European Baby Show” American political cartoon about US President Woodrow Wilson, with his 14 points, dealing with competing and conflicting territorial claims in post-WW1 Europe (1919)
Omer Khawar is holding his infant child as their city has suffered a chemical attack by Iraqi forces. Halabja, Iraq. March 16, 1988 [800x526]
TIL : High Lithium levels in drinking water will lead to lower than expected suicide rates
TIL that a Japanese artist paints with Microsoft Excel. Tatsuo Horiuchi prefers the spreadsheet to real canvas and paint, or drawing software, because it has "more functions and is easier to use".
“Nous assistons à une véritable fuite des cerveaux”: les scientifiques américains quittent en masse les États-Unis
'Britain's War Supplies Go to These Nations', published by the British Information Services c. 1943
«I'm giving him up for adoption» 1987.
TIL that “there’s no such thing as a Nintendo.” (1990)
Photo of American President Woodrow Wilson announcing his WW1 peace plan, the Fourteen Points, to US Congress. He outlines his vision for a postwar world and the League of Nations during his speech (January 1918)(1000x750)
Bruno Retailleau juge que l'Etat de droit n'est pas "intangible" ni "sacré", les critiques fusent dans le camp macroniste
Republicans push to make "Trump Derangement Syndrome" a mental illness
While Trump slashes jobs, his golf trips are costing taxpayers millions
Heritage Foundation and Allies Discuss Dismantling the EU