Zelensky is far left...
The face of a man who bombarded a shit ton of people in the middle east 😍😍🥰🥰
Can someone explain Lydia's joke in the villain's roast
[24] How can I look better?
question for us right wing gen z
[35] How do I look after winter season? (also, clean shaved or not?)
Romani people page vandalism
Qué es lo que NO se les hace atractivo en una mujer?
Devastating news for Willam and I
might be one of the worst jokes i’ve ever seen
HM. i wonder what does "reasonable takes" are............sure wonder
Ser una mujer fea ,es como ser un hombre?
Thoughts on Arrietty's explanation?
DTO for denying that the Wikipedia vandalism was bigotry
¿Qué conclusiones pueden sacarse del hecho de que se utilice la palabra "virgen" para insultar a los hombres y "puta" como insulto para las mujeres?
what the actual fuck is wrong with zionists
29f, insecure. What can I do to looksmax?
First impressions, go!
this makes the mirror message 10x worse omg
Nadie: ... Vírgenes y resentidos sociales ayer y hoy:
It's almost 350% for Afghanistan.