You are sitting on your sofa, reading a book. You feel something brush the back of your neck. In your country, what is the worst thing that could be?
OilChef - is this product for real?
Is drinking out too expensive for you now?
Why are people so fascinated by forty dollar cups of coffee, or hundred dollar pizza slices, or those videos comparing ten dollar with hundred dollar steaks?
Where in SF did Dave Eggers pay $49 for a glass of wine?
Which hotel bar did Dave Eggers but a $49 glass of wine?
Do you read books while walking your dog?
Shops in Southampton with model trains in the window?
shops with model trains in the window?
Shop in Sheffield that has a model train in the window?
Any shops in Nottingham have a model railway in the shop window?
Cars idling at level crossings, traffic lights etc. Have you ever asked the driver to turn their engine off?
What is the most interesting/disturbing thing you have seen from your office window?
What's the most interesting thing you've seen outside your office window?
If someone told you, "I've never seen (blank)". What movie, if it filled the (blank), would most shock you?
For people who are in whatsapp groups that have been inactive for more than a year - why don't you leave?
How many inactive group are you still in?