Nearly choked to death laughing
Lightsaber colour
How long did it take for you all to beat the game for the first time?
Think ive spent something like 2 hours in this boss fight
TIL Deathclaws are always sticking their tongues out
Lightsaber Favourites Gallery
I am afraid
Peep the lightsaber?
My Rayvis fight as requested by some
For those of you who didn’t know.
just want to show my saber and blaster combo !! what do u guys think :>
Necro Corpse turns BT Encounters Porter and Causes Voidout
My problem with the double bladed saber in survivor
TIL vents direction can be changed
Amazing game but this boss fight was way too hard!
Just beat the game on grandmaster, what does my saber say about me?
BT’s from the void?
Just found this out when modifying BD
Frankensteined a black marble madness
How does the online system work?
"What's the most OP Witcher build?" Death March is no match for Grandmaster Griffin.
Greez somehow figured out how to clone himself
What saber color did you pick for Cal and why?
Burn in hell I’m with your father!