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Do you think Jinsuke would reach the level of Honda or Choko or at least Kamiizumi and be the third strongest if he keeps evolving?
Who's Stronger?
In the worst case scenario, if Inshun loses and survives, will Oda spare his life or simply kill him?
Raws Should be Coming Soon so Last Minute Bets, Who Wins?
Susano’o hard counters Beelzebub
Is Heisuke Overrated, Underrated, or Fairly Rated
Chiruran Shinsengumi Requiem - Chapter 32 (Translated in English)
You know what
What's your theories about the upcoming end of the series?
For people who claim Geto had RCT…why didn’t he use it here?
Regarding “dependence on weapons”
It’s happening next chapter
Captain Commnder Shunsui is very strong to the point Lille is the First Enemy to saw it
Club jam can probably come back due to the recent manga events
Fighters ranked by how much I want a spin off for them, thoughts?
Wukong but something’s off…
Breakdown of Buddha's Eighth Conscience Inspiration
Who can even see Ama no Magaeshi?
How it feels having 4 hard counters.
Is Tenkyu Underrated, Overrated, or Fairly Rated
My take on Raiden vs Heracles (explanations in body text) thoughts?
Big Hyo Strongest in ORDER!!!
Is Torres Overrated, Underrated, or Fairly Rated
Is Shin Overrated, Underrated or Fairly Rated