Best Episode?
Trad Catholic Baby Boy Name Ideas…
My school is homophobic...
6 years together. 2019/2025
Why are there Jesus Statues when The 2nd Commandment forbids people from making images of “Gods”?
Anyone else notice how easy it is to get a 5 star wanted level?
Just picked up my first e bike today!
I am a Christian. Lifelong, raised by a well known preacher. I am begging anyone to explain to me how you can support the current US presidency and call yourself a Christian.
[Extreme gore] the infamous "sweet child o mine" or "funkytown" killing.
So disrespectful towards jokic
Is there any place for nudity on Catalina?
Do you support LGBTQ, and do your parents support it?
Are Adam and Eve bad people?
Why is abortion 'clearly' sinful?
Can I be left-wing and be Christian?
On Christian Nationalism
Why should I be pro life?
Pewds stays on top
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Drawing furries
It’s a fake but how noticeable is it?
Draymond Green choking Rudy Gobert, NBA
The fuck?
Could anyone help me better understand the holy trinity?