Incineroar has been ELIMINATED! Comment a character you want removed and I’ll pick the most upvoted one!
Drop an F-bomb into any line from a Pixar film
From Hey Arnold
What food did you hate as a child, but now love as an adult?
New poster for Elio!
Saw this in a paint by number book and I can’t figure out who it’s supposed to be
Which Monster Rancher 2 opponents do you dread fighting in the official tournaments and Major 4?
s5 omg!! Natalie is a s**t !!!
What do you think of Marcille?
This is the same kid who framed his "Koi" as "Aggressive" and he Is now forcing the Bearded dragon swim so it can drown for views.
From Banjo and Kazooie
Does anyone remember the scene where Max called his mom a bitch after she turned off his videogame?
I need animes to recommend to my little brother. (No horny animes, or gory ones)
What’s something that would be terrifying if it were 10 times bigger?
Possible unpopular opinion. Moana 2 sucks.
My wife wasn’t to happy with this one
Wtf is this?
Who is this? (Wrong Answers Only)
You have a 10-hour flight. Where are you sitting? (found on IG @thebookwrangler)
What Is A Character You Want In Smash Not Because It’d Be A Good Character, Just Because It Would Be Hella Funny?
Chris Griffins dead gerbil he thought was a fur fish.
MF4MF, Vancouver lower, Any reviews on Katerina's
Horrible crawfish tank
Mf4mf Lower Mainland What is Club Eden like?