To UC players: Is POL success determined more by skill or levels?
As long people vote to ban MK, FC, RR and HR we are fine. Tired of these cards each match
worth getting back into the game?
How to know if players use lag switches?
A breath of fresh air
What is the least toxic/friendly emote in the game? I’ll go first
Only game modes I missed. How were they?
This card should never have been added to the game
Why are draft picks so unbalanced?
Unpopular opinion: this is the most toxic emote in the game
They need to stop being stingy with evolution shards
The most hated card, the game was never the same after it!
Which update was recieved worse: Level 14 or Level 15?
Retro is a garbage mode
Overtime matches are the worst
What the hell is with this community
My boy only plays with win conditions
Mohamed light added me in cr
This is why no one likes the mega knight
Sometimes you have to thank elixir golem players... ☠️
4 evo slots coming soon?
Evolutions ruined deckbuilding
Middle finger emote?
Why are people saying Kakashi is six paths level?
What is this sub bruh 😭😭