Lions, lions everywhere!
Starting a game like this is the best
So crucible is just full of invisible hunters with the last word now?
Help me decide between the 2
This poor warlock didn’t stand a chance
Jumping on the bandwagon but damn this goes hard
When you say ‘headless one’ a few too many times
I’ve been getting best dressed consistently for a while now, what do you guys think?
After not playing for months, this was unbelievably satisfying
Follow the leader, guardian edition
I got my first one piece tattoo today off one of my best friends who is equally as obsessed with it as I am
Dunemarchers/ballistic slam is always so satisfying
I never thought I'd see a toddler playing Destiny
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for yewwwww
Started using my hunter again recently, thoughts?
Solar, strand and stasis barricade all in one is pretty cool
You lack something
Guarding cattle by day and the last city at night
Emerald knight
My current crucible setup goes hard
This will forever be one of my favourite things
This whole sequence was so satisfying
I’ve waited all year to get this look
I love these ornament combos, especially when they go this hard
[XBOX] [H] black aeromage & black astro [W] 500 credits