Would you marry Monica Bellucci?
Send me 1 million dollars.
Is Trump good businesswoman?
Do you like sound of your alarm?
Gdje je i šta radi Konstantin Savić?
Why am I here? Am I stupid?
Cure koje kategorije na pornhubu-najvise volite?
Say "What" one more time
Phrases to use when watching sports?
Nebojši Vukanoviću zapaljen automobil ispred porodične kuće (VIDEO)
Carrie Coon
Ranking cards by what rarity I believe they should be
What is Victoria's accent?
Thoughts on Martha Speaks?
Notable examples of actors portraying multiple characters on the same show?
How would these 2 interact?
What's the last great show with laughter or a laugh track?
Thoughts on Dark Prince after last charge buff? Is he viable now or he needs another buff?
What is comedic timing and how can you tell if someone has good or bad comedic timing (examples would be great)
What actor in a comedy do you believe was a terrible actor with no passion for their role.
The Seven is actually a clash royale reference
There’s no way he joined my clan that’s too funny
If you could delete one card from the game, what would it be?
Need good shows with no cheating!!
Đokić potvrdio da se sprema novo poskupljenje struje