Wich pistol is better?
feeling depressed sorry
Alright maggots, what do you prefer : Australium or Unusual
Which heavy minigun is better?
Slay-by-Comment Season 7 Day 331: I fixed the temporal inhibitor, so we should be on the right day now! What’s our play? Whatever comment is most upvoted in 24 hours is what we’ll do.
Why is my steam not working on the right side?
What am I doing wrong here?
my FPS is capped at 400 which I can hit consistently, would increasing the cap even have a noticeable impact?
Should I be scared of Dark Bramble?
How Half-Life 3 could look by now
What's happening here with this texture, why does it happen & how do i fix it?
What are some mods to make my game harder?
Breaking Bad Kill Count
What is the Strongest Ark Creature That 1 Million House Sparrows Could Kill?
Do I take devotion at floor 2?
The Trickshot [Sniper Class Custom Weapon]
Let's make a TF2 mod! Suggest anything and I'll implement the top comments into an official steam mod using the newly-released SDK.
Adrenaline vs Alchemize - which is better?
choker or runic cube?
Some defect cards, inspired by emotion chip
How.....how did I die...
I bike for work and I need to wear actual black trousers , seats suck so I want some padded trousers ?
Some runs are tough as nails. And then you get one like this
Oh... That is indeed an insight.