Downvote this post if you are a salty Shrek 5 redesign defender
Name a better character than Cookie I'll wait
He did the thing!
Got perma-banned from the hasanabi sub for this comment. Was I wrong for this?
Why We're Afraid of Utopias
Which game is this for you?
How will religious fundamentalists with significant power react to successful transhumanists, or say aliens?
Am I valid???
Is the keyblade amongst the most famous video game weapons?
Christian "virtues"
What would you prefer, shapeshifting or mind uploading?
If Shrek was made in 2025...
For the first time EVER, r/conservative is saying something slightly negative...
A lobbying group in the US proposes the creation of corporate governed “freedom cities”
Is this religious/cultural appropriation?
These AI's are becoming more Human everyday
What video game music do you listen to while working out, doing chores, etc?
Favorite villain in the Shrek franchise & why?
Donald Trump with Elon Musk and his kid advertising Tesla outside the White House is peak capitalism
Thoughts on the gender dysphoria investigations?
Trump signs executive order instructing stocks to go back up after markets close.
Problems with transferring minds and the ship of Theseus.
Transhumanistas uni-vos