Jotaro Vs Dio
My thoughts so far - Stone Ocean
F1 Dank
What is the greatest anime opening of all time ?
What character SOMEHOW beats this dream team?🙏😭
Name a video game character beating this duo
Name a character that can beat this team.
Thinking of getting a different haircut, any ideas?
Read the photo
(18) to (19). Just lose the weight bro
Saddest death by far
Round of applause.
Best Angle of our new stadium
Successful hatewatch
Hold on
Name your favorite villain
Why does my hair look good from my right side but my left side looks like absolute doodoo?
19 years old. could i pull off this haircut or is my hairline too cooked?
Family keeps telling me to cut my hair, What do you think?
What a great season !
What anime are you defending like this
Did Polnareff knew something about Diavolo or Passione before Stardust Crusaders?
(29) from self hate to self love in 1 year
Best animated fight you’ve ever seen in anime? Personally it’s Tengen vs Gyutaro